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Saving moms one creative
idea at a time!
It's me...Sandra Dee! On a mission to save moms their time, energy, and sanity! Need to know who I am and how I could possibly know enough to help you? Head over to the About page.
Now on to the good stuff...This page is all for you! If you get discouraged with one (or many) of the daunting tasks we do as moms (or mother figures) then I got you! Especially if you are into "out of the box" thinking! LOL
Picky Eaters? Not enough time in the day? Laundry a mile high? Trying to feed the proverbial army? Need someone to cheer you on?
Then let me help! I'm here to share all the mistakes I have made(too many to count) so you can learn from them too, and share ALL THE THINGS that have WORKED!
The Blog
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