This is a great website when trying to figure out what the heck to fix for any given meal without running to the store more than you need to!
More resources like this are coming soon!
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Found any resources you want me to check out?
Contact me with the form below!
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Holiday foods! Would this be helpful?
And/Or side dishes? This one is was and sometimes is a tough one.
Maybe, I can find a way to make that easier....
The Picky Eater Project (PEP)
An eBook for parents of picky eaters! Gives a new take on an old problem from a mom of 6. It's complete with templates, printables, and a few recipes. Don't you worry, the Picky Eater Project Cookbook is in the works!
Coming Soon...
Do you have any recipes that are tried and true?
Or is there something specific you struggle with at mealtimes?
Let me know!
Coming Soon...
Best recipe websites...that I have actually tried.
Life can get busy and it's nice to have everything in one place. Does this sound good to you?